Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hello again Boilermen! It's a great time of year.....The men's NCAA Basketball tournament is underway, The Masters is a few weeks away,and most importantly,Winter is just about over! Thank God! I have been watching the NCAA tournament, and it is clear that college basketball is SO much better than the NBA. Why is that? I think is because of how the referees call the games. The refs call it straight in the college game. In the NBA, most of the time, calls are dictated by who you are. Also, the college kids give much better effort....Especially in the tournament. Enjoy the Sweet 16........And GO BUCKEYES!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mayan Rules

Hello again my boiler brothers! Good to be back. Our friend Uncle Markie was good enough to wear his Bronze Boiler gear on his recent visit to the Mayan Ruins. According to the Mayan calendar,the world will end on December 21,2012. Assuming this is accurate information, I am thinking of retiring at the end of 2011. 2012 will be the "Year of the Boiler",where I do what ever I want,when ever I want, for as long as I want. I plan on living a Charlie Sheen lifestyle, blowing through all my money,and having a hell of a good time! If the Myans are wrong,I can always go back to work. Thanks, Markie

Study: Staring at breasts increases heart health

Study: Staring at breasts increases heart health

Here you go.....Solid scientific evidence proving that it is healthy to stare at a woman's breasts.
The next time your wife busts you for your slack jawed staring, tell her you are in therapy!